Strategic Focus

Climate Change

While the impacts of climate change are being felt by people and communities now, many of the severe impacts will be felt in decades to come. Afdint focuses in factoring medium to long term climate information into investments and ways of planning as an important component of climate resilient development.

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

afdint on OVC programs focuses on child protection, health and nutrition, capacity building, education, household economic strengthening, legal protection, psychosocial care and support social protection

Youth and Women Empowerment

afdint shall focus on mentorship, supporting the whole girl, girls leadership skills, intergenerational and intercultural understanding, positive girl culture and creating job opportunities for women (i.e tailoring shop, selling market driven needs, selling crafts and other goods)

Skills Development and Decent Work

Afdint will focus on skills development for improved productivity and employment growth in focus with the G20 training strategy for strong sustained and balanced growth this will be done in focus with principles in decent work that’s involving small medium companies to adhere to principles of occupational safety and health, workers’ rights and human rights.


afdint seeks to improve people’s health in low and middle income community by supporting health sector reforms that ensure equitable and access to efficient, sustainable, quality health care services.

Business startups and social protection.

afdint seeks to improve the social wellbeing of people in communities by training them how to use the available opportunities to start up business that can boost their income and sustain their economic status for a long time.

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